We’re on our way to CES in Las Vegas, to take a look at the big tech trends and hot new gadgets for the upcoming year! Last year, auto manufacturers and aftermarket brands came to CES with in dash stereos that incorporated apps like Pandora and iHeartRadio. This year, they’ve taken it further with the connected car. Nine of the top 10 auto manufactures will be on site, as well countless aftermarket brands showcasing what’s next in in-car technology. Latest CES Updates:
Rockford to launch Custom Fit BMW speakers, its first car speakers that are custom fit to a specific car model.
Rockford Fosgate will show new audio systems customized for Harley Davidson Motorcycles.
AAMP of America will have an interactive booth highlighting Car Connectivity, and will display products from its many brands including iSimple.
Pioneer Electronics wins Best of Innovations: In-Vehicle Audio Video Category for the AppRadio 3
Pioneer announced a new class of car radios that include Connected Car features, that they’re calling Networked Entertainment eXperience (NEX).
iSImple introduced a universal Bluetooth remote that works with tablets and smartphones.